Health & Fashion

Yoga Day 2019 ” Breath for Peace”

Image courtesy : @_shutterbugshivi
Yoga Day 2019 ” Breath for Peace”
Jodhpur Search

Yoga day – Every word possesses a deep meaning, associated qualities and a frequency of speech that gets imbibed into the one who utters it or the one who is named on it. In India, naming children with the meaningful word has been an ancient culture so that the associated qualities of that word could manifest into the person as the one grows up. Yoga, as we all believe is a combination of asanas (body twirls & twists) but lemme tell you it’s much much more than that. The word ‘yog’ also possesses a deep meaning and is derived from the Sanskrit dhatu (root) ‘yuj’ which mean ‘to join’ or ‘to unite’.

But exactly,

Who’s unity are we talking of?

What is that which is part of us but still apart from us?

Straight forwardly, here we are talking of the spiritual dimension of yoga. Each one of has read somewhere or listen from people out there that yoga  improves the functioning of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and hormonal systems i.e. physically invigorating oneself for gaining health benefits. But lemme tell you that Yoga is not just an alternative to burn out your calories and tone up your muscles, my dear friends it also brings emotional stability, relaxes your mind and clarity of thought and is still full of possibilities to dive deep in and explore the unexplored. You could not believe that simply by doing Surya Namaskar many many sages has got enlightenment in the spiritual world. So here yoga is simply the flow of aasanas being aware of your breathing patterns that too not as a goal to make someone flexible physically, anyway it’s going to happen, but to live a blissful life.

The lack of yoga across world has brought in many disputes like raise of distrust, insecurity, complexes of different kinds, fears and phobias, corruption and many other similar things. Believe me guys!! If you do yoga or dhyan on daily basis you won’t get a single negative thought round the clock or even if you get it, you would be able to tackle it positively and move in with confidence. You know what!! Our mind is just like the powerpoint presentation..haha.. different slides keep on coming up as we walk ahead in life but whatever the slide is playing in current scenario we always have a control to change the slide or transform it completely or just being at peace with what is.

Yoga is a daily practice, but this one day could bring us closer for a common cause of looking the whole world as one family. In fact, the yoga has always been there in our own body only we have to become aware of it. So this warm morning of International Yoga Day is good to take a resolution to sit with closed eyes and meditate or do some yogasnas everyday or once in week, whatever appears promising to you. And it’s something you have to decide for your own well-being. No one else will do and can do!! Just see what’s that stops you from your achieving your own well-being.

Is it public fear? Is it lack of knowledge of practice? Is it lack of like-minded people? Or Is it your own stereotyped thinking that yoga is for old age?

Lemme tell you a scientific fact, a baby in womb till it reaches the age of 3 does 100s of yoga postures and that’s what make them happy, wondering, aware and chilling all the time. You just tell me, if an alcohol drinker, a smoker, a stoner can proudly say that he/she drinks/smokes/stones occasionally then why cann’t you say out loud that you are a regular yoga practitioner, well it’s not a match anyway. It is said that if you take one step to find a rightful way, a rightful way will take 100 steps towards you. Do you know that in Jodhpur also we have many centres where you can opt different yoga or spiritual practices?

Haha…And don’t think that you are going to become a guru or a die-hard disciple of a guru after practicing any of such kriya or sadhana. It is for your own sake and if benefits you, makes you calm, helps you in decision making, makes you sane and sorted in life then there is no harm in spreading a positive word about doing it because a happy you can make a happy family, a happy family can me a society and a happy world and vice-versa.

Hope till now I have not confused you and surely, have left you with a wonderful exclamation that “what yoga is!!”

I would say watching a tree with full attention is yoga.

Dancing in the rain feeling your own presence is yoga.

Loving the children playing outside in your galli, unconditionally, is yoga just like you do with your children.

Walking on the grass, simply sitting on top of hill, cultivating your hobby, trying something new is yoga. Because these little things connect you with yourself and that’s what yoga is!!… Your union with yourself… These spiritual practices are there to help us to do it with complete involvement and awareness. 

It’s the pious connection with just everything around. A yogi would do everything not just perfectly but in a required amount looking to the need of present time, and still that would look perfect. Hope this yoga day would bring more love, care, and awareness among all of us so that we can explore mechanics of inner life in a more profound and natural way.

Get Yoga Logic and be Yogic!! Happy yoga!!! Celebrate Yoga Day!! Happy life.

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