Rajasthan desert- It is part of Thar desert of NW India covering the states of Rajasthan, Gujarat &Haryana also called as JODHANA. The total area of the desert is 3.21 lac sq.kms. This is essentially a sandy desert with few stony areas in between. sq.kms. area. But 61% of the desert area is covered in the state of Rajasthan. In the non-rainy days, the desert gives a very boring view to an onlooker. But come rains and it livens up with greenery immediately after rains and also in winter.
Desert Plants– Most of them are from xerophytes group comprising shrubs, thorny bushes, trees, creepers, herbs, etc. Scientific studies have reported 682 plant species representing 352 genera, our of which 136 are said to be having some economic importance or having nutritional values. These properties were identified by inhabitants centuries ago. The parts of such plants were initially used for survival, later on, found their way to local kitchens. Now some of the edible plants of the desert have entered the menu cards of many star category hotels. A brief description is given below.
1/- Kair- Capparis decidua– it has small berry-like fruits having a bitter taste. Used as vegetables or for making pickles. Before its use, it is soaked in a solution of buttermilk and salt to remove bitterness. Also useful for diabetic patients.

2 -Sangri- the biological name is Prosopis cineraria, this is the most popular vegetable of the desert. It is actually beans of a common tree Khejari. These legumes are green when raw, they are dried and stored for further use. Are known to be used for whole of the year. These are prepared as a single ingredient, also mixed with Kair and Kumatiya. Dried Kair, Sangari, Kumatiya used in preparing a popular vegetable known as Panchkoota

3/ Kachra/Kachri/Kachariya- the biological name is Cucumins pubescence. It has a very sour taste, prepared as a single dish or also mixed with other green vegetables. It is also added to other preparations to add sourness.

4/ Matiro/Matira-biological name is Citrullus lanata or caffer. This is also known as desert melon or citron melon. Apart from India also found in African deserts. The pulp is having a sweet taste. Used frequently in summers to quench thirst and to prevent dehydration.

This Article Written by Rakesh Giri Goswami ( Guest Editor)